Wrap it Up
Lab: Automate Asset Versioning – Better Asset Versioning
Video Runtime: 05:44
Congratulations! You made it! I hope that you learned something new in this hands-on lab. This lab went through:
- Why we need versioning
- How to automate it
- Why automating saves us so much time and frustrations
- New design patterns
- How to make a reusable utility file
- and so much more
If you have any questions or just want to discuss what we did, reach out in the Pro Forums. I’m here to help you.
What to Do Next?
Your functions are bloated. Put them on a diet. Think "skinny" and "as few lines as possible."
Total Lab Runtime: 02:27:07
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 11:19
- 2 Why is Version Number Necessary?free 16:30
- 3 Version Numbering Schemepro 06:47
- 4 Forget Hard Coding Version Numberpro 15:02
- 5 Forget Hard Coding - Grab Stylesheet's Versionpro 05:19
- 6 Forget Hard Coding - Genesispro 05:17
- 7 Load the Theme's Minified Stylesheetpro 10:23
- 8 Strategy Session: Minified or Full for Theme Versionpro 12:25
- 9 Load the Minified Stylesheet in Genesispro 05:04
- 10 Refactor to Improve Our Codepro 11:20
- 11 Applying It to Scriptspro 18:14
- 12 Apply it to Scripts - Genesispro 09:13
- 13 Convert into Utility File - for Reusepro 14:30
- 14 Wrap it Upfree 05:44