Lab Introduction
Lab: Making the Collapsible Content Plugin Reusable – Part 3
Video Runtime: 07:43
In this lab, you will learn about how to make your code reusable. You’ll learn about what it is, why you want to change your mindset to build code in a reusable way, and then how to do it.
You are a professional web developer. It’s your career and/or business. You need to make money. Designing your code to be reusable is a strategy to reduce your time and thus costs over the entire lifecycle of the code itself. In other words, it makes you more profitable.
To get started, make sure that you have completed Part 1 and 2 of this series. Remember that this series is you and I building a custom plugin together. I’m sharing every single step and my years of experience to help you deeply learn about the process as well as methodologies and best practices.
Before you move on, we need to uptick the plugin’s version number from 1.0.0
to 1.2.0
from the last lab. Whoopsie, I forgot to have you do that. You’ll uptick and then push the changes to your git-powered repository.
Don’t repeat yourself. Don’t repeat yourself. Don’t repeat yourself.
Total Lab Runtime: 06:04:21
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 07:43
- 2 What is Reusable?free 18:07
- 3 Modular in ModularConfiguration Architecturepro 15:12
- 4 Configuration in ModularConfiguration Architecturepro 12:31
- 5 Creating Configuration Repositorypro 05:14
- 6 Planning it Outpro 12:26
- 7 Build the FAQ Custom Post Type Configpro 09:10
- 8 Loading the Config Filepro 04:29
- 9 Building Custom Post Type Generatorpro 12:24
- 10 Generate Post Type Supported Featurespro 16:41
- 11 Generate Post Type Labelspro 14:45
- 12 Test it Outpro 16:26
- 13 Custom Post Type Generator - Registrationpro 13:33
- 14 Rewrite Rulespro 14:05
- 15 Reusable Rewrite Rules Handlerpro 08:15
- 16 Custom Module - Embed or Standalone?pro 07:22
- 17 Build the Topic Taxonomy Configpro 06:58
- 18 Reusable Taxonomy Generatorpro 10:19
- 19 Auditing the Custom Labelspro 18:10
- 20 Refactoring the Label Generatorpro 09:32
- 21 Specify Certain Labels Optionpro 10:10
- 22 Link the FAQ into the Taxonomy Generatorpro 10:28
- 23 Move Config to FAQ Modulepro 04:58
- 24 Test the Taxonomypro 13:30
- 25 Plan out the Shortcodespro 09:25
- 26 Starting the Shortcode Boilerplatepro 14:53
- 27 Build the Shortcodes Configurationspro 15:30
- 28 Registering Shortcode with Custom Modulepro 18:54
- 29 Shortcode Configuration Storepro 08:25
- 30 Test the Shortcodespro 11:32
- 31 Wrap it Up, Review, and Commit Changespro 13:14