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Nonce Security Check
Lab: WordPress Meta Box Basics
Video Runtime: 10:16
We use the WordPress nonce value to secure our saving process and determine if we should continue or not. Let’s talk about the nonce field and validation check in this episode. Watch this episode!
We use the WordPress generated nonce for the following reasons:
- Validate if our meta box is on this screen.
- Validate that our meta box is (for the most part) valid.
Nonce is a technique to validate that we are receiving what we expect.
Break. Go rest your noodle for a couple of minutes.
Total Lab Runtime: 02:21:18
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 07:20
- 2 What is a Meta Box?free 07:28
- 3 Add a New Meta Boxpro 11:46
- 4 Meta Box HTMLpro 18:39
- 5 Save Process & $_POSTfree 12:33
- 6 Bail Out if Not Our Meta Boxpro 05:03
- 7 Nonce Security Checkpro 10:16
- 8 On Save - Update or Delete Custom Field?pro 12:03
- 9 Validate & Sanitize BEFORE Updating Databasefree 14:41
- 10 Add Another Custom Fieldpro 08:49
- 11 Making Save Easier with $_POST Keypro 05:32
- 12 Better Saving Strategy for Multiple Custom Fieldspro 14:47
- 13 Changing Where Meta Box Appearspro 06:02
- 14 Passing Arguments to Renderpro 02:18
- 15 Wrap & Making it Reusablepro 04:01