Lab Introduction
Lab: Part 2c – Header Sass Module – Developer’s Genesis Starter Child Theme
Video Runtime: 02:45
In this lab, you and I are going to finish the header module by bringing in the media queries, refactoring, and assigning new variables. Why don’t you try to finish this module on your own using the strategies that you learned in Part 2b Navigation Sass Module? Then watch these videos to see how Tonya thinks about refactoring.
Remember, you want to build this module and all of your codebase to fit the way you think, how you work, and your workflow. There are many different ways to solve the same problems, i.e. many different ways to write code. Don’t let anyone tell you “thou shalt write your code like this.” As long as your code is high-quality meaning, it’s very readable (without comments), easy to find stuff (modular), easy to make changes, and easy to maintain, then you are on the right track.
Don’t repeat yourself. Don’t repeat yourself. Don’t repeat yourself.
Total Lab Runtime: 00:47:58
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 02:45
- 2 Base Stylespro 04:09
- 3 Dividing Up the Title Area Stylespro 05:15
- 4 Title Area Styles - Part 1pro 14:54
- 5 Title Area Styles Part 2pro 06:17
- 6 Header Right Stylespro 12:22
- 7 Push the Theme to GitHubpro 02:16