It’s time to do more with gulp. While gulp is awesome at processing Sass, you can do more tasks such as sourcemaps, minifying, error handling, notifications, linting (error checking), and even more time-saving shortcut modules within Sass itself. Let’s finish up your gulp setup file and get you cranking out CSS in less time. Let’s do more.
To learn more about this series and each of the parts, see the main lab found here. It also includes all of the prerequisites that you will need to build this theme.
When was the last time you got out of your chair and stretched? Just saying…
Total Lab Runtime: 01:10:42
- 1 Autoprefixerpro 05:51
- 2 Sourcemap and PostCSSpro 10:39
- 3 Media Query Packerpro 07:31
- 4 CSS Minify with Nanopro 14:28
- 5 Gulp Notifications & Error Handlingpro 09:26
- 6 Sass Lintingpro 11:28
- 7 Git & Additional Enhancementspro 11:19