Original Theme Snapshot – Your First Commit
Lab: Simply Git: Barebones. No Fluff. Essentials.
Video Runtime: 10:56
Before we start customizing the theme, we want to store away a snapshot of the original theme. Why?
At this point, all we did was git the Twenty Seventeen theme into version control. Nothing has been stored (committed). Therefore, ALL of the theme’s files are new to git. That means it sees all of the files as changed.
Okay, but when you go to make your first customizations, you will want to know what was customized. To isolate those changes, you first need to commit the original theme.
Let’s talk through this in this episode.
Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) - the best kiss you'll get in code.
Total Lab Runtime: 02:55:39
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 06:10
- 2 What is Git?free 24:09
- 3 The Big Picturefree 16:30
- 4 3 Locals - Working, Staging, & Storagefree 14:38
- 5 Git Init - Put New Project into Version Controlpro 12:15
- 6 Original Theme Snapshot - Your First Commitfree 10:56
- 7 Git Add - Stage Small Changesfree 16:29
- 8 Git Commit - Store & Document a Snapshotpro 09:54
- 9 Git Status - View State of Working & Stagingpro 10:26
- 10 Git Log - View Historypro 20:29
- 11 Unstage Changespro 07:16
- 12 Rollback Changes in Working Directorypro 15:05
- 13 Fix the Last Commit Messagepro 02:39
- 14 Add More Changes to Last Commitpro 02:44
- 15 Uncommit Last Commitpro 03:32
- 16 Git Diff - View Differencespro 02:27