Lab Introduction
Lab: Add a FAQ Feature to the Collapsible Content Plugin – Part 2
Video Runtime: 07:51
Let’s talk about what you are going to do and build in this lab. We’ll talk about why. Why are we adding this FAQ feature? We’ll talk about what you’ll learn and the expertise you will gain after doing this lab with me. This lab is awesome. It has advanced plugin development concepts and processes. It will help you to move forward in your plugin development career.
Don’t worry. I’m going to walk you through the entire process, sharing how I’m thinking about it, why we’re going in a particular direction, and alternative strategies. Ready? Let’s get to work.
Hands off the keyboard. Web development starts by thinking first, then planning it out, and then coding it.
Total Lab Runtime: 05:11:56
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 07:51
- 2 Planning it Outfree 11:05
- 3 Module Architecturepro 17:12
- 4 Build the Basic FAQ Custom Post Typepro 06:04
- 5 Configuring the Custom Post Type Labelspro 18:33
- 6 Configuring the Custom Post Type Feature Supportspro 07:23
- 7 Configuring the Custom Post Type Optionspro 11:27
- 8 Flushing the Rewritespro 09:44
- 9 Planning the Taxonomypro 04:54
- 10 Build the Taxonomypro 05:33
- 11 Taxonomy Label Generatorpro 14:23
- 12 Flush Rewrite Rules - Taxonomypro 05:36
- 13 Architecting the Archive Pagepro 11:14
- 14 Serve Archive Template from the Pluginpro 10:41
- 15 Let Theme Override Our Archive Templatepro 21:29
- 16 Build the Archivepro 11:09
- 17 Build the Archive Viewspro 13:23
- 18 Set the Order Within the Topicpro 03:44
- 19 Review and Commit Changespro 02:34
- 20 Architect the Shortcodepro 15:23
- 21 Build the Shortcode - Single FAQpro 21:19
- 22 Fixing the Architecturepro 08:00
- 23 Define a WP_Query for Topicpro 16:10
- 24 Continue Building the Shortcodepro 11:39
- 25 Finish by Topic Shortcodepro 08:51
- 26 Planning the Refactorpro 08:01
- 27 Refactor FAQ Modulepro 19:58
- 28 Test, Fix, Commit, and Wrappro 08:36