Composer – PHP Dependency Manager
Lab: Local Development Environment Setup for Windows
Video Runtime: 14:16
Recorded: March 27, 2018
Composer is our dependency manager for PHP. It gives a standardized and globally accepted tool to import different packages into our projects as well as run different tasks.
In order to globally install it on a Windows machine, you need to install PHP and Visual C++
Redistributable. Don’t worry. I’ll walk you through the entire process.
Helpful Commands
A few helpful commands for you:
composer -h
– view the help information
composer -V
– view the version that is installed on your machine
composer [script name]
– to run a script that is defined in your project’s composer.json
Don’t repeat yourself. Don’t repeat yourself. Don’t repeat yourself.
Total Lab Runtime: 02:32:39
- 1 The Keys to Your Local Development Environmentfree 22:03
- 2 Install and Configure Gitfree 19:46
- 3 Setting up SSH for GitHubfree 15:00
- 4 VirtualBox and Vagrantfree 13:00
- 5 LocalHost - Local by Flywheel (preferred)free 16:50
- 6 LocalHost - VVV (optional)free 14:42
- 7 What is a Package Manager?free 00:00
- 8 Composer - PHP Dependency Managerfree 14:16
- 9 Node.js and npm – JavaScript Package Managerfree 06:03
- 9 Gulp – Task Runnerfree 07:29
- 10 Atom - Text Editorfree 07:25
- 11 PhpStorm - Installationfree 11:43
- 12 Wrap it Upfree 04:22