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Footer Widgets Styles
Lab: Part 2d – Footer Sass Module – Developer’s Genesis Starter Child Theme
Video Runtime: 13:20
As you’ve been doing, you will first migrate over the media queries into the footer widget partial.
Then we’ll discuss different variable naming for media query device widths. You’ll look at two different examples, including WebDevStudio’s wd_s theme and Tonya’s personal blog theme. You want the variables to be general enough to be relevant for each project that you build while still being purposeful and declarative.
If you listen carefully, you can hear the 1s and 0s flowing in your computer.
Total Lab Runtime: 00:21:58
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 01:14
- 2 Site Footer Stylespro 03:54
- 3 Footer Widgets Stylespro 13:20
- 4 Git Commitpro 03:30