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Break Out the Styles
Lab: Part 2f – Comments Sass Module – Developer’s Genesis Starter Child Theme
Video Runtime: 07:16
Let’s rethink our current module architecture and how we have the partials laid out. The comments have several components and sub-components. Right? It has the following components:
- comments list
- comment which includes the header, author, meta, and comment content
- respond
- pings
Just like we did for the entry header and footer, it’s best to break out components into their own partial. For the comments, it’s up to you how far you want to break things out. Let’s talk about several strategies and think about different alternatives.
Code. Eat. Code. Sleep. Dream about Code. Code.
Total Lab Runtime: 00:21:29
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 01:06
- 2 Break Out the Stylespro 07:16
- 3 Refactorpro 09:03
- 4 Push it to GitHubpro 04:04