Pep Talk Time
Lab: Part 2g – Widgets Sass Module – Developer’s Genesis Starter Child Theme
Video Runtime: 09:38
You are halfway through this series and have been working hard for hours now. Why is Tonya putting you through this process? It’s time for a pep talk to discuss what the new skills you are getting from this series will do to put more moola (money) into your pocket.
- Easy to find
- Easy to customize
- Reduce errors and bugs
- Configurable
- Easier to Read
The point of this process is to give you a codebase that is yours and is a starting point for every single project you build. It will save you time and money. It puts more moola in your pocket.
You are gaining a different way of thinking about code construction. It will put more moola in your pocket.
You are learning how to advance yourself, your business, and your career. You are learning how to innovate, think, and set yourself apart from your competition. That makes you more in demand and puts more moola in your pocket.
Watch this video and let me pump you up and inspire you to what you will gain to propel your professional career forward.
Building clean, modular themes and code puts money in my pocket. #genesiswp Share on XWhoever says that coding is hard, just smack them.
Total Lab Runtime: 00:23:20
- 1 Pep Talk Timefree 09:38
- 2 Refactorpro 10:59
- 3 Commit Changes to GitHubpro 02:43