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Review and Commit Changes
Lab: Add a FAQ Feature to the Collapsible Content Plugin – Part 2
Video Runtime: 02:34
Let’s talk through what you’ve accomplished in the archive template episodes. You’ll add another FAQ too. Then let’s commit the changes to your GitHub repository. You’ve made a lot of changes. It’s time to commit them.
Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) - the best kiss you'll get in code.
Total Lab Runtime: 05:11:56
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 07:51
- 2 Planning it Outfree 11:05
- 3 Module Architecturepro 17:12
- 4 Build the Basic FAQ Custom Post Typepro 06:04
- 5 Configuring the Custom Post Type Labelspro 18:33
- 6 Configuring the Custom Post Type Feature Supportspro 07:23
- 7 Configuring the Custom Post Type Optionspro 11:27
- 8 Flushing the Rewritespro 09:44
- 9 Planning the Taxonomypro 04:54
- 10 Build the Taxonomypro 05:33
- 11 Taxonomy Label Generatorpro 14:23
- 12 Flush Rewrite Rules - Taxonomypro 05:36
- 13 Architecting the Archive Pagepro 11:14
- 14 Serve Archive Template from the Pluginpro 10:41
- 15 Let Theme Override Our Archive Templatepro 21:29
- 16 Build the Archivepro 11:09
- 17 Build the Archive Viewspro 13:23
- 18 Set the Order Within the Topicpro 03:44
- 19 Review and Commit Changespro 02:34
- 20 Architect the Shortcodepro 15:23
- 21 Build the Shortcode - Single FAQpro 21:19
- 22 Fixing the Architecturepro 08:00
- 23 Define a WP_Query for Topicpro 16:10
- 24 Continue Building the Shortcodepro 11:39
- 25 Finish by Topic Shortcodepro 08:51
- 26 Planning the Refactorpro 08:01
- 27 Refactor FAQ Modulepro 19:58
- 28 Test, Fix, Commit, and Wrappro 08:36