Alias – Display the Graphical Log
Lab: Git Productive
Video Runtime: 04:24
In the Git Contributing lab, I had you typing the really long command to view the one-line, decorated, graphical log. It’s one of my favorite commands as it gives you so much valuable information about your project’s history. Typing out that command is time consuming and frankly a waste of your valuable time. You have to try to remember all the options. That takes your focus off of where you add value.
Let’s create an alias shortcut to make it so easy.
Who needs copy/paste? Right. Writing code from scratch is fun!
Total Lab Runtime: 01:57:49
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 03:20
- 2 Alias - Display the Graphical Logfree 04:24
- 3 Delete or Rename an Aliaspro 03:00
- 4 Alias - Display the Last Commit's Logpro 02:16
- 5 Alias - Display Less Verbose Statuspro 05:32
- 6 !f() - Build Complex Aliasespro 10:43
- 7 Prep for Complex Aliasespro 05:43
- 8 Alias - Stage All Changespro 07:26
- 9 Alias - Unstage All Changespro 03:28
- 10 Alias - Unstage a Specific Change or Allpro 08:53
- 11 Alias - Commit All Changes from Working and Stagingpro 08:55
- 12 Alias - Uncommit Last Commitpro 04:12
- 13 Alias - Reword (Fix) Last Commit Messagepro 05:42
- 14 Alias - Reword (Fix) Last Commit Message Without Adding WIPpro 10:35
- 15 Alias - Add New Changes to Last Commit & Keep Messagepro 05:00
- 16 Alias - Rollback to Last Commitpro 07:01
- 17 Alias - Create and Checkout New Branchpro 02:31
- 18 Alias - Delete Local and Remote Branchpro 09:23
- 19 Alias - Rename Current Branchpro 04:46
- 20 Wrap it Uppro 04:59