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Entry Header Hook – genesis_entry_header
Lab: The Loop – Developer’s Guide to Customizing Genesis
Video Runtime: 17:38
The entry header provides the HTML markup for the start of the article. Out of the box, it includes the opening and closing markup, the title, and post info (i.e. author and date). Let’s explore removing, reordering, and customizing the entry header area on the posts page to see what this event does.
In this episode, you will explore the WordPress Event Registry look-up table to see how callbacks are ordered within it. It is vital that you understand this event-driven system, how the priorities work, and what happens when two callbacks have the same priority number. If you need more information or a refresher, see the following lab and Docx to help you out:
There’s a time to code and …. yup, that sums it up.
Total Lab Runtime: 02:26:17
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 06:09
- 2 What the heck is The Loop?free 14:29
- 3 Calling the Loop Overviewpro 06:51
- 4 Genesis Do Custom Loop - Part 1pro 12:37
- 5 Genesis Do Custom Loop - Part 2pro 09:51
- 6 Standard Loop Overview - Part 1pro 08:30
- 7 Standard Loop Overview - Part 2pro 10:34
- 8 Standard Loop and WordPress Corepro 11:29
- 9 Before the Loop Hook - genesis_before_whilepro 11:38
- 10 Before the Entry Hook - genesis_before_entrypro 06:10
- 11 Entry Header Hook - genesis_entry_headerpro 17:38
- 12 Entry Header - Post Title - Part 1pro 13:07
- 13 Entry Header - Post Title - Part 2pro 07:48
- 14 Entry Header - Post Infopro 09:26