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Push it to GitHub
Lab: Part 2f – Comments Sass Module – Developer’s Genesis Starter Child Theme
Video Runtime: 04:04
Let’s commit your changes and then push them to GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. We’ll walk through the current commit in GitHub too to see what it looks like and how to read it.
Here is where you can find the last version of the entire lab in the Know the Code’s GitHub repository: Get on Github.
I'm a rock star at refactoring CSS into Sass. #genesiswp #wordpress Share on XYou Rock!
Excellent job! You just completed the Comments Sass Module. At this point, you should be rather skilled at the process of finalizing a module. Right? These skills will help you not only in Sass but in all of your programming tasks.
What to Do Next?
You get WET when you swim. Stay DRY when you code.
Total Lab Runtime: 00:21:29
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 01:06
- 2 Break Out the Stylespro 07:16
- 3 Refactorpro 09:03
- 4 Push it to GitHubpro 04:04