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Git & Additional Enhancements
Lab: Part 3b – Doing More with Gulp
Video Runtime: 11:19
Let’s push our final sample theme to your git hosting. Then let’s talk about the more advanced stuff you can do including additional PostCSS, cssnext, and more gulp tasks like SVG, image optimization, and scripts. You can look at what WebDevStudios is doing in their wd_s.
You now have a completed Genesis starter theme. Yes, there are more things you can do with it, such as moving to a configuration architecture, more gulp tasks, and so on. But you can add those as you get working with your new theme. Congratulations!
Start using your new codebase and it will save you time and money! On every job, just clone your starting theme out of GitHub (or wherever you have it) and work from a copy of it.
Let’s chat about what you have now and what you just built.
WooHoo! I just setup a sweet #gulp file for #Sass linting, minify, postcss, & more. Saving time! #genesiswp Share on XYou Rock!
You did it! Excellent job! Bam, you just finished creating a rockin’ gulp setup to process, validate, and minify the Sass into CSS. WooHoo! Way to go.
Now go build some awesome sites with Genesis!
Your best friend is code, Tonya is making the introductions.
Total Lab Runtime: 01:10:42
- 1 Autoprefixerpro 05:51
- 2 Sourcemap and PostCSSpro 10:39
- 3 Media Query Packerpro 07:31
- 4 CSS Minify with Nanopro 14:28
- 5 Gulp Notifications & Error Handlingpro 09:26
- 6 Sass Lintingpro 11:28
- 7 Git & Additional Enhancementspro 11:19