Integration Bootstrap – Overview
Lab: Unit & Integration Testing Basics
Video Runtime: 09:01
Notes | Transcript | Code | Playlist
In this episode, we’ll start laying out the steps to bootstrap our integration tests.
You get WET when you swim. Stay DRY when you code.
Total Lab Runtime: 04:26:49
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 13:13
- 2 How Testing Benefits Youfree 27:00
- 3 What is Testing?free 10:24
- 4 Unit vs. Integration Testsfree 17:44
- 5 Setup the Testing Environmentpro 12:21
- 6 PHPUnit & a Virtual Containerpro 08:37
- 7 Create the Composer.json Filepro 14:36
- 8 Configure PHPUnit for Both Test Suitespro 10:56
- 9 Setup Test Shortcuts in Composerpro 09:58
- 10 Setup Local's Web Serverfree 10:05
- 11 Unit Tests - Bootstrappro 14:34
- 12 Test Basicspro 12:24
- 13 Test Assertionspro 18:42
- 14 Unit Tests - Write Real Testspro 23:32
- 15 Integration Bootstrap - Overviewfree 09:01
- 16 Integration Bootstrap - Find the WordPress Test Suite's Directorypro 12:10
- 17 Integration Bootstrap - Defining Constantspro 04:06
- 18 Integration Bootstrap - Register Theme & Loadpro 07:41
- 19 Meet WP_UnitTestCasepro 12:05
- 20 Integration Tests - Write Real Testspro 15:18
- 21 Wrap it Upfree 02:22