These Docx supplement the official PHP Manual. The video-based library covers the constructs of the language, providing you with video-based explanations, showing you the code in action, and, at times, looking at the actual PHP source code.
PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.
Psst the asterisk (*) means more videos are coming for the construct.
Remember: These are active and living video-based libraries. We add to them frequently.
- __CLASS__ *
- __DIR__ *
- __FILE__ *
- __FUNCTION__ *
- __LINE__ *
- __METHOD__ *
- __TRAIT__ *
- Array Data Type
- array_change_key_case *
- array_chunk *
- array_column *
- array_combine *
- array_count_values *
- array_diff *
- array_diff_assoc *
- array_diff_key *
- array_diff_uassoc *
- array_diff_ukey *
- array_fill *
- array_fill_keys *
- array_filter *
- array_flip *
- array_intersect *
- array_intersect_assoc *
- array_intersect_key *
- array_intersect_uassoc *
- array_intersect_ukey *
- array_key_exists
- array_keys *
- array_map *
- array_merge *
- array_merge_recursive *
- array_multisort *
- array_pad *
- array_pop
- array_product *
- array_push *
- array_rand *
- array_reduce *
- array_shift
- array_slice *
- array_walk *
- break
- call_user_func
- call_user_func_array
- Callables
- Callbacks
- Comparison Operators
- continue
- current
- — Decrementing Operator *
- do-while
- each
- empty
- end
- fclose *
- feof *
- fgets *
- file_exists *
- fopen *
- for
- foreach
- func_get_arg
- func_get_args
- func_num_args
- in_array *
- include *
- include_once *
- ++ Incrementing Operator *
- is_array
- is_bool *
- is_callable *
- is_double *
- is_float *
- is_int *
- is_integer *
- is_long *
- is_null *
- is_numeric *
- is_object *
- is_real *
- is_resource *
- is_scalar *
- is_string *
- isset
- ksort *
- list *
- Logical Operators
- mb_strtolower
- Namespaces
- next
- Operator Precedence
- pathinfo *
- prev
- print_r *
- require *
- require_once *
- reset
- return *
- serialize *
- settype *
- sprintf *
- strtolower
- strval *
- switch *
- Type Casting
- Type Juggling
- unserialize *
- unset
- var_dump *
- var_export *
- while