Lab Introduction
Lab: Building Blocks of Programming
Video Runtime: 06:21
Let’s introduce you to this lab. Are you ready to start learning about programming?
Your key takeaways are:
- Giving you the recipes
- Building blocks of all programming languages
- You will be on your way to becoming a chef
- Computer
- circuitry represents all numbers in patterns of 1s and 0s known as binary
- stores a bit (single 1 or 0) in its circuitry
- adds binary numbers
- How to visualize solutions
- How to formulate those visuals into a mock code format known as pseudocode
Who needs copy/paste? Right. Writing code from scratch is fun!
Total Lab Runtime: 02:17:55
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 06:21
- 2 User-Friendly Expression of Informationfree 22:42
- 3 Fundamentals of Syntaxfree 08:57
- 4 Decision Branching - if/then/elsefree 10:39
- 5 Decision Branching – switch/casefree 07:47
- 6 Basics of Iterationfree 14:14
- 7 Iteration in Practicefree 12:51
- 8 Order of Executionfree 10:55
- 9 Abstractionfree 11:45
- 10 Scoping – Who Can Communicate With Whomfree 31:44