Gulp – Task Runner
Lab: Local Development Environment Setup for Mac
Video Runtime: 07:00
Recorded: February 27, 2018
We want to automate redundant tasks to save ourselves time and money. Tools like gulp let us automate various tasks such as compiling Sass or LESS in CSS, optimizing images, svgs, fonts, etc., error checking our CSS and JavaScript code against known standards, and minifying the final files. These tasks are perfect candidates for a JavaScript-powered task runner.
Gulp is my favorite, though Grunt is still popular too. In this episode, you and I will install gulp.
Hands off the keyboard. Web development starts by thinking first, then planning it out, and then coding it.
Total Lab Runtime: 02:44:38
- 1 The Keys to Your Local Development Environmentfree 21:21
- 2 Helper Workflow Appsfree 09:10
- 3 Install and Configure Gitfree 17:27
- 4 Xcodefree 01:59
- 5 Setting up SSH for GitHubfree 16:40
- 6 VirtualBox and Vagrantfree 09:27
- 7 LocalHost - Local by Flywheel (preferred)free 23:13
- 8 LocalHost - VVV (optional)free 09:13
- 9 What is a Package Manager?free 00:00
- 10 Composer - PHP Dependency Managerfree 10:49
- 11 Node.js and npm - JavaScript Package Managerfree 05:24
- 12 Gulp - Task Runnerfree 07:00
- 13 Atom - Text Editorfree 07:28
- 14 Quick Navigation Shortcutsfree 11:04
- 15 PhpStorm - Installationfree 11:43
- 16 Wrap it Upfree 02:40