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Embedding Variables in a String
Lab: PHP String Building and Processing Basics
Video Runtime: 15:16
PHP provides the means for us to build dynamic strings, i.e. strings that have varying strings within them. One method is to embed a variable directly into the string.
When PHP comes to a single quote, it handles the string within the quotes as a string literal. There is no processing that happens. Rather, it treats it as a hard-coded string. Therefore, if you wrote echo 'My name is {$first_name}.'
, the entire string would be rendered out to the browser just as you wrote it. The variable would not be processed.
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Total Lab Runtime: 02:50:33
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 09:39
- 2 Embedding Variables in a Stringpro 15:16
- 3 Embedding Complex Variablespro 13:37
- 4 Concatenating Strings with a Dotpro 08:47
- 5 Concatenating and Assigning Shorthandpro 05:58
- 6 Formatting a String using Placeholderspro 15:16
- 7 Specifying Which Argument in a Formatted Stringpro 04:18
- 8 Has Substringpro 21:47
- 9 Replacing Substringspro 13:03
- 10 Get the String's Lengthpro 14:11
- 11 Character Set Encoding - It Matters!pro 11:42
- 12 Has Substring - for UTF-8pro 16:45
- 13 Replacing a UTF-8 Substringpro 05:56
- 14 Stripping out Characters or Entitiespro 10:51
- 15 Wrap it Upfree 03:27