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`when()` – Code Challenge
Lab: Unit Testing with Brain Monkey
Video Runtime: 08:27
Time for a code challenge to make sure you now understand how when()
works and how to use each of its different task options. Let’s write 4 different when()
definitions for the WordPress function esc_html_e()
. Then we’ll discuss how to select the best option as well as how to keep your code DRY.
There’s a time to code and …. yup, that sums it up.
Total Lab Runtime: 03:21:08
- 0 Lab Setupfree 07:07
- 1 The Problem - Why We Need to Simulatefree 24:50
- 2 Behind the Scenes of Redefining a Functionfree 20:31
- 3 Brain Monkey's Toolset Overviewpro 09:04
- 4 Anatomy of the Test Expectationpro 11:51
- 5 setUp and tearDownpro 09:51
- 6 Create a Test Classpro 20:42
- 7 `when()`pro 14:23
- 8 `when()` - Behavior Optionspro 14:26
- 9 `when()` - Code Challengepro 08:27
- 10 `expect()`pro 11:40
- 11 `with()`pro 05:44
- 12 More with `with()`pro 10:02
- 13 `with()` - Code Challengepro 09:53
- 14 `expect()` - Behavior Optionspro 07:47
- 15 `andAlsoExpectIt()`pro 10:46
- 16 `stubs()`pro 04:04