What’s the limit for inline comments, and how can you minimize them? Let’s look at a bad and a good example of inline comments, and how they’re chances to improve your code.
Getting Your PRs Merged Faster with Gifs
Adding gifs to your pull requests (PRs) can get them approved faster. Gifs can also help your tickets or issues get accepted. It works as you are showing the code or issue in action. Ryan Kienstra will show you how.
Planning it Out
Let’s talk about and plan what we are going to do in this lab. We want to build a central repository, some module, that will be responsible for generating and registering post types, taxonomies, and shortcodes. There are different strategies for building a central repository: You can build a central plugin, such as Fulcrum1. Build a package and then publish it on Packagist. Then you’d use Composer to include it into your plugin. Or you can build a module and place it into one of your plugins for the project. 1Fulcrum is currently being rebuilt with some new goodies in […]