The Genesis framework by StudioPress1 is a developer’s theming framework. Built on the WordPress Plugin API, every sub-component of the HTML structure rendered out to the browser is fully customizable through action and/or filter events.
Why is this significant for you, the developer? You can remove, replace, and/or enhance any portion of the web page’s structure by registering your callback or unregistering the default behavior. You can even change the placement or order of components. The event-driven architecture saves you time, energy, and money, thereby allowing you to focus on the custom bits of your project.
To help you maximize the power of this framework, we are building a multi-part Lab series titled: Developer’s Guide to Customizing Genesis. It focuses on you, the developer. You will explore the framework’s codebase and learn how you can tap into the component architecture to get your stuff done.
This series will include:
- Overview – file structure, architecture, and codebase overview
- Markup & Wraps
- Header Components
- Customizing the Site’s Header
- The Loop Components
- Sidebar Components
- Footer Components
See the Series page for all the details.
Upon the conclusion of the series, Pro members will build a Developer’s Genesis Starter Theme, which includes all the goodies you want such as Sass, Bourbon, Neat, Bower, gulp, and Composer.
Then the remainder of the series will continue being built until the entire framework is covered thoroughly.
- Shortcodes
- Widgets
- Custom Fields
- Options Handling
- General Theme Settings
- Metaboxes
- Sanitizing
- Breadcrumbs
Sidenote: This series will have a free component to it; however, the bulk of it is for Pro members, as this is a deep and thorough exploration of the Genesis codebase and architecture.
Utility Pro Giveaway
Don’t forget to register for your chance to win Carrie Dils’ awesome Developer’s Version Utility Pro theme.
Good morning Tonya
I enjoyed your interview with Brian Gardner.
As a long time editor, I could not help but notice a couple of errors in the following from your site:
“Now that we are weeks into this series, the amount of content we need to cover is growing, as you are building a lot of custom code to ensure you really know the framework and how to maximize it for yourself. This series will continue to ‘be’ built month after month until it is completed. The ultimate ‘ly’ goal is to ensure every part of the framework gets covered.”
The ‘be’ needs to be inserted and the ‘ly’ needs to be deleted.
Sorry about that, but can’t help it after 51 years of coding and editing copy.
Love your site and may become a member! I am converting my main site over from static to WordPress but it sure takes a lot of work. Yes, I am using Genesis and an edited version of Genesis sample theme as a child page.
Peter Gardner
Thank you, Peter. Genesis is amazing! You picked the right platform for building your themes.
And thank you for the copy editing. As that section was very old, I deleted it.
Cheers and <happy coding>,