These Docx supplement the official WordPress documentation (codex). The video-based library covers the constructs and APIs of the software, providing you with video-based explanations, showing you the code in action. Pro members get to reverse engineer the WordPress Core software, to further their knowledge.
WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.
Psst the asterisk (*) means more videos are coming for the construct.
Remember: These are active and living video-based libraries. We add to them frequently.
- add_action
- add_filter
- add_post_type_support *
- add_shortcode
- apply_filters
- apply_filters_ref_array *
- current_action *
- current_filter *
- did_action *
- do_action
- do_action_ref_array *
- doing_action *
- doing_filter *
- get_all_post_type_supports *
- get_footer *
- get_header
- get_option *
- get_post *
- get_post_type *
- get_post_type_object *
- get_post_types *
- get_sidebar *
- get_stylesheet_directory *
- get_taxonomies
- get_template_directory *
- get_template_part *
- has_action
- has_filter *
- is_home *
- is_post_type_hierarchical *
- load_template *
- locate_template *
- post_type_exists *
- post_type_supports *
- register_post_type
- remove_action
- remove_all_actions
- remove_all_filters
- remove_filter
- remove_post_type_support *
- set_post_type *
- shortcode_atts *
- wp_parse_args