Welcome to WordPress programming. In this hands-on code building lab, you are going to get a gentle introduction into PHP programming. This lab assumes that you do not know anything about programming or PHP. You’ll start at the beginning and incrementally learn the major concepts and instructions you’ll encounter. It’s PHP 101.
This Lab is unlocked and FREE thanks to WP Engine.

WP Engine is the world’s leading WordPress digital experience platform that gives customers the agility, performance, intelligence, and integrations they need to drive their business forward faster. Our award-winning team of WordPress experts are trusted by over 70,000 companies across 130 countries to provide support, helping brands create world-class digital experiences.

When you open a theme or plugin, you see HTML, CSS, and PHP. That’s right, WordPress is built on the PHP scripting language. It runs on the server and handles the page request, talking to the database, processing forms, loading up different files, and handling the business logic to then render a response or new web page out to the browser.
What Will You Learn?
In this hands-on lab, you and I are going to ease into programming. You’ll learn about:
- What PHP is and why websites use it
- Why and How WordPress uses PHP
- Confused by files have HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP in them. When is it PHP?
- What’s the deal with syntax
- Organizing code by breaking it up into files and subroutines
- Holding values in variables
- Determining whether to do some block of code or not
- Repeating code using loops
- Scoping – Who and what can talk to each other
- The order of stuff, what gets called when
- A gentle look at real WordPress-centric code
- and more
This lab is focused on teaching you the basics without the technical jargon or fluff. You are easing into programming and getting your feet wet with PHP.
Want to learn #PHP? Learn the basics with this FREE gentle introduction for #WordPress. Share on XPrerequisites
In order to do this lab, you will need a local sandbox site spun up and ready to go. I will walk you through it in the Lab Introduction episode. You’ll be using either the Genesis Sample or Twenty Seventeen theme.
Suggested Starting Point
I suggest that you take this lab first to introduce you to WordPress, HTTP, browsers and servers, how web pages are processed and handled, how WordPress loads up, and more. While it’s not required, it will help you to see the bigger picture of the website(s) you work on every day.
And if you are absolutely new to programming, take a look at the Absolute Beginners to Programming series.
As you progress through the lab, I’ll make suggestions and offer more opportunities for you to learn and grow.
Hey... hey you... yes you!... Having a good time? Learning new things? Good!
Total Lab Runtime: 03:21:32
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 11:37
- 2 What is PHP? Why use it?free 17:49
- 3 Why and how does WordPress use PHP?free 07:33
- 4 Syntax Basicsfree 18:34
- 5 What's the deal with Variables?free 27:05
- 6 Break Up Code into Logical Partsfree 07:55
- 7 Subroutines - Behold the functionfree 14:11
- 8 Loading Files to Runfree 13:20
- 9 To Run or Not to Run - Making Decisionsfree 19:07
- 10 Sequencing - Yup, code runs in orderfree 06:16
- 11 Repeating code using Loopsfree 13:57
- 12 Building Strings with Dots and Variablesfree 15:10
- 13 What's the deal with scope?free 08:34
- 14 Naming Stufffree 06:18
- 15 Putting it All Togetherfree 08:33
- 16 Where do I go from here?free 05:33
This Lab is unlocked and FREE thanks to WP Engine.

WP Engine is the world’s leading WordPress digital experience platform that gives customers the agility, performance, intelligence, and integrations they need to drive their business forward faster. Our award-winning team of WordPress experts are trusted by over 70,000 companies across 130 countries to provide support, helping brands create world-class digital experiences.
Are you serious about making money as a professional WordPress developer?
How many Aha Moments did you get out of this lab? Think about. How much time will that save you as your work on your projects? Everything you learn translates into saving you time and empowering you to do more. That means you’ll be able to ship your projects faster and get paid sooner. You are growing your abilities and career.
Let’s quantify that to help you see how this one lab just paid for a Pro membership. I want to show you how the cost of joining pays for itself many, many times over.
Let’s say this lab saves you 5 hours of your time on each project:
5 hours x $30/hour = $150 per project
1Assuming your hourly rate is $30 per hour
A Pro membership only costs $29/month. Actually then, this lab makes you money above and beyond paying for a Pro membership. Think about it. Imagine how you can advance your skills and career as you learn more. Imagine how much faster you can build projects for your clients. Imagine how that translates into making more money.
I invite you to invest in yourself and grow your career. Come join us.
A collection of other awesome educational resources. Codecademy has an interactive course that lets you write code as you learn. Check it out Learn more What to Do Next?
Other PHP Resources
Learn PHP – Codecademy