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Stripping out Characters or Entities
Lab: PHP String Building and Processing Basics
Video Runtime: 10:51
Frequently, you need to strip off unwanted characters or entities from the start and end of a string. For example, form field submissions, such as custom fields, typically require you to clean them up before processing. When you pull data from the database, many times, you need to clean it up before you process and then render it out to the browser.
In this episode, you’ll experiment with and learn about trim
. You’ll pass character masks to it to see how you can control what is stripped off.
Your best friend is code, Tonya is making the introductions.
Total Lab Runtime: 02:50:33
- 1 Lab Introductionfree 09:39
- 2 Embedding Variables in a Stringpro 15:16
- 3 Embedding Complex Variablespro 13:37
- 4 Concatenating Strings with a Dotpro 08:47
- 5 Concatenating and Assigning Shorthandpro 05:58
- 6 Formatting a String using Placeholderspro 15:16
- 7 Specifying Which Argument in a Formatted Stringpro 04:18
- 8 Has Substringpro 21:47
- 9 Replacing Substringspro 13:03
- 10 Get the String's Lengthpro 14:11
- 11 Character Set Encoding - It Matters!pro 11:42
- 12 Has Substring - for UTF-8pro 16:45
- 13 Replacing a UTF-8 Substringpro 05:56
- 14 Stripping out Characters or Entitiespro 10:51
- 15 Wrap it Upfree 03:27