Wrap it Up
Lab: Local Development Environment Setup for Windows
Video Runtime: 04:23
Congratulations! You now have all of the components installed for your local development environment.
WooHoo, I just setup my local #WordPress development environment. @KnowTheCodePro made it so easy for me. Share on XTune Your Local Development Environment
Want to continue tuning your local development environment? Follow this path to get the most out of your workflow.
What to Do Next?
If you listen carefully, you can hear the 1s and 0s flowing in your computer.
Total Lab Runtime: 02:32:39
- 1 The Keys to Your Local Development Environmentfree 22:03
- 2 Install and Configure Gitfree 19:46
- 3 Setting up SSH for GitHubfree 15:00
- 4 VirtualBox and Vagrantfree 13:00
- 5 LocalHost - Local by Flywheel (preferred)free 16:50
- 6 LocalHost - VVV (optional)free 14:42
- 7 What is a Package Manager?free 00:00
- 8 Composer - PHP Dependency Managerfree 14:16
- 9 Node.js and npm – JavaScript Package Managerfree 06:03
- 9 Gulp – Task Runnerfree 07:29
- 10 Atom - Text Editorfree 07:25
- 11 PhpStorm - Installationfree 11:43
- 12 Wrap it Upfree 04:22